Friday, 28 October 2011

window opener property

The opener property returns a reference to the window that created the window.For example to get the id of the element present in the parent window, we should use like this



Tuesday, 25 October 2011

PNG transparency problem in IE6

I think most of the web developers have headache using PNG image in IE6 when the client asks for IE6 support.
To overcome this issue please refer the beow link.

The idea here is let say you are placing a  image in a div or tag. We need to pass the id or class to the javascript function like this DD_belatedPNG.fixPng(yourElement).

Please refer for microsoft's approach to the problem.

When applying this fix , you may encounter error in IE8 like this (Message: Invalid argument. Line: 13 Char: 461). To avoid this, add a meta tag forcing IE in to compatibility mode(

meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"

Below are the other remedies for this problem